The course presents the interdisciplinary theoretical foundations of institutional communication. By analysing various case studies, students are offered practice-oriented, utilisable and competitive knowledge of the functioning mechanisms of Public Relations. The course aims to enable students to gain insight into the communicative possibilities of companies, civil organizations, political parties, and scientific institutions. They should be able to realise and utilise these possibilities at a management level, in fields such as media relations, business relations, consumer relations, or professional relations; the communication dynamics of internal systems of organizations; or unified public images of institutions. A further objective is to enable students to shape media messages, to handle crises, and to control conscious organizational communication toward the public. During the lectures, students can gain insight into the management of communication within institutions, into the development of reputation through external PR, into advertising processes surrounding institutions, and into the means of embedding all these activities in communication strategies. Frequent interactive activities aim to help students recognise the strategic and tactical possibilities inherent in brand building, and to utilise the knowledge gained during the lectures in practice, through individual and small group activities. The course aims to introduce students to the role of reputation management in increasing company value, while they can improve their critical sensitivity and media awareness to benefit their own field of research.

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